Being Single means the saree is smart enough and is waiting for the right person to come along!!!
Being single means fending only for yourself, eating what you want when you want, keeping only your things in place and generally being happiest in your own company!
Many good things in life are single! The rare Kohinoor, The Hope Diamond, Wonders of the World!
Happiness is that Single malt, Single vada, that one single scoop of ice-cream which cooled you off instantly!
One spoon of medicine, that one earring which lost its pair and landed as a button on your blouse!
That single minute which decides whether you made it to the train or missed it!
And Superstar’s dialogue – Singam single aa dhaan varuum, makes being Single powerful and strong!
When we order sarees, though each is hand-picked and are unique pieces, that one Single piece may always decide for its rightful owner to come along – and will refuse to appear appealing to the others!
To make these Single ones, easily accessible, we will be moving them into a “Singles Club” tab on the main Menu bar of the website.
Being single doesn’t mean remaining, left out, missed the boat, funny or strange.
It means, being Unique, Distinct, One-of-a-Kind, At Peace with oneself – among others.
In other words, these enmeshed threads are awaiting the rightful owner to come along so that they can drape themselves in full glory!
Check them out and then Check-out them!
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